Monday, February 10, 2014



........ I really like your most recent post. It's an important way to think.
To marry the consciousness, which comes naturally and freely and without
 warning, and the cognitive side of things too. Really cool stuff.


Yeah hey " The Cognitive? " Yes but is it to be trusted. I started taking  Krill oil and my writing is coming from a better place.

I worked hard all my life to get it find my brain function was compromised. Half of my life. After a near-death surgery experience , doctors wanted me to go to the psych ward. I was released with a prescription , $800 in crazy pills.

I told the nurse I had to be crazy to pay that much for pills for a witch hunt through my head.
Maybe I am explaining myself and maybe , you're thinking I should have scraped up the money.
Thanks to you and your songs I have begun to think about recording some songs I've written.

Last shot.. I ordered a liver de-tox herb after much study.

I drank heavy in my life... when I was dying I went to AA.
I began to read the words of Jesus and meditate on them. I also began to practice the meditation suggested when the  Bible writer's  wrote...Be Still AND KNOW I AM GOD. I began asking in prayer, what is my problem.

In six months the tumor in my head was removed and I got a new brain that thought alcohol was poison and unacceptable to a healthy mind.

So to realize our options / gifts/ benefits, it is helpful to remember a violin in the hand of a master is a blessing...obnoxious noise in the hands of a ( non-master)

Your song writing reveals to me a knack you have, the melodic structure is very fine.> wrote:
> >

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