Saturday, September 6, 2014


       About three years ago I joined a writer’s critique group and learned to endure critique of my writing. I learned to not answer back at the wrong time, branding myself as a novice.
       When I decided to write a novel and few people had encouraging words for me. After all,  people who write novels know how to write don’t they? They are well read aren’t they?
      It is uncommon to write and finish a novel. I can say nary a soul believed it possible in my case. It proved to be a lonely leisure time pursuit but,  I had time and full coverage with Blue Cross which has been a great return on my money.
      Now I have four novels in my hard drive in various degrees of completion. But most important,  I have a vision and a firm goal that they will be written and published. The time frame is not clear but the method is coming into view like land appears to a sailor long lost at sea who will not give up.  One thing life has taught me, nothing is impossible when you believe. Call it Faith.
      Some people have told me there is no such thing. I can prove there is such a thing and have to my satisfaction. What you do with the universe is your choice.
      Now that has been made clear, nothing is impossible, I have devoted my time to discovering what is worthy of such a powerful thought. That would be: Writing in a free land.
      I joined a writer’s critique group an learned to endure, comments about my writing.   
      Now after three years of thinking and hoping to discover a system of learning  that would appear before me, a system that would require little or no money and travel by which I could become a writer who needeth not to be ashamed, I have found it and it is free, and it is at hand to everyone reading this.      
     "When the student is ready the teacher will appear.”  That is a sentiment expressed by Clement Stone and Napoleon Hill. I’m ready to learn to write and the teacher has appeared.

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